Sunday, May 28, 2006



Saturday, May 27, 2006

off to a rough start

Embedded blogging from Quebec

It is almost 8pm in lovely Montreal, CANADIA. I'm having a hard time. Let's just say my stomach doesn't feel too good and it was there was a very long line at customs. So, I just ate some yummy fries and smoked meat and McLean's on Peel St.

Well, we are watching a show on midgets. I don't want to blog, but I am being forced to. I have so many feelings. I think we're watching DeGrassi, not sure.

I think Montreal is getting a little bit scummy. I can't tell you how many bums are here and they hang out in front of the banks. You never make eye contact with bums because they might kill you. I'm not awesome like Nicole Richie giving a penny to a bum. What a nice girl. Maybe the bum will be nice and buy her a hamburger. It's not as bad though, when I saw the old lady in leather eating a pigeon. That's it for now folks. You'll have to wait and see if I ever blog again.