Monday, August 14, 2006

Pink little Squirrel

On Tuesday I was already to go to Bomber's for Dunfords birthday with Javen and Becks. I drove to the old homestead and got out of the car. Across from the car on the street was a little pink thing which I thought was a dead mouse. As I got closer I saw that it was moving and that it was in fact, a baby squirrel. I took an ALDI circular out of my car and scooped the little thing up. I called Javen and told him to come downstairs. I looked at him and said, "look what I found". He had thought I picked up a dead animal. I told him to call the vet. We called and they said that we had to call a wildlife rescue person and I was given numbers. Needless to say, hours later and a trip to Bomber's Buritto Bar with the squirrel I finally found a place to bring the baby. I guess people are trained to take care of wildlife, but I didn't know how difficult it was to find someone. Javen and I must have called about 20 people!! I hope the little guy is doing well.

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