Monday, July 16, 2007

I feel like a blob.

In pregnancy, there are points that you reach when you just feel like a blob. I was used to being a lean 106 lbs and being able to wear anything I wanted. Sometimes even the smallest size was too big on me. Now,25 lbs heavier and a belly bigger than my boobs, I'm having a really hard time finding clothing that "flatters" me. I am against maternity clothes so I have to find things with elastic waists and shirts that stretch enough to cover my ever expanding stomach. And my appetite does not help. I am hungry all the time and has been since day 1. I have a feeling this baby is going to be a big one! 16 weeks to go, so we'll see how much more weight I can gain. I ate dinosaur BBQ tonight. It was fantastic!! I sort of want more now. I hope after this child my appetite subsides, or all end up weighing 600 pounds and they'll have to knock out a wall and peel me off the couch to get me out.