Monday, November 05, 2007

Not done cookin yet

Today is my due date and no baby, no signs of labor, no nothing. I'm okay with it(probably because I'm getting really freaked out about actually having to go through labor)but the doctor seems really impatient. Today was my due date, so technically the baby isn't even late and they already made me have a non-stress test and wanted to induce me on Thursday! I don't want to force this poor child out if it's not ready yet. So many woman and doctors want to force labor or cut the baby out for convenience purposes. I'm not saying that I'm all natural about things. I do want any drugs that the doctor has to offer, but give the baby some time to come when it's ready. This being said, I'll probably end up being induced on Sunday and have this child on Veterans Day. In the meantime, I'm enjoying eating non-stop and being lazy.

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