Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'm annoyed that I'm annoyed.

I hate watching the news....I know and talk about things I could care less about, such as Anna Nicole, Imus and Sanjaya. It annoys me that I even have an opinion on these things. It annoys me that I feel that I need to vent on these issues. First, I will talk about Anna Nicole.

Anna Nicole never had any talent. She was always white trash and she was a horrible person. She was so fucked up on pills all the time that she could barely speak. She married that old man just for his money. She fucked up and probably killed her poor son. I say this because they found methadone and other drugs that she was taking in his body. She was probably giving him her perscription drugs. She took drugs while she was pregnant and her baby probably will have effects from that. She lied about the father of her child and that shady lawyer of hers is rolling in money from this whole ordeal. It's sick that I even know that much about this.

I never liked Imus. My mother would watch him in the morning. I always found him annoying but never thought or cared about anything he did....until he used the term, "nappy haired ho's" Okay, that is not a nice thing to say, but I've heard much worse things said on tv and the radio. It's not even that he called the players ho's, it's that he called them "nappy haired" and apparently, that's racist. I think it's racist that people say it's racist. By saying it's racist, you're saying that black people do have nappy hair. Actually, anyone could have nappy hair, just like anyone can have curly hair or straight hair. I would tell my friend Jill she had nappy hair and she's white. Anything can be said about Irish, Italian, English, German or really any white nationality. Would Imus have gotten in trouble if he had said something like, "freckled redheaded druken mick ho's", or "Greasy smelly organized crime dago ho's" or "nazi, jew killing kraut ho's". Probably not. So my closing thoughts, I would've never known about that comment and the team proably wouldn't have either if the media didn't make such a big deal about it, and it annoys me.

I hate American Idol. I think it's a horrible show. In my mind, you don't join a contest to become a singer. What annoys me the most about American Idol is that it ruins all other shows. Lost is now on at 10 and many other shows have been moved around, cancelled or put on hold becasue of it. I only know about Sanjaya because I hear about him on the radio every morning. I'm going to vote for him just so the show stops. It just shows how dumb Americans are. People are becoming so mindless and it's a scary thing. I even notice myself falling down that path sometimes.

In conclusion, I'm going to take up knitting.

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