Monday, April 09, 2007

What a dumb bitch.

I never really thought anything about Kirsten Dunst before this quote. I was looking on Perez Hilton and he happened to have this quote on. I don't really care if you smoke weed. To me it's stupid and makes you retarded, but I hate people who like to pretend that it makes you "smarter" or more "creative". Mental illness also makes you more creative, so does crack right? Maybe if she weren't so "high" she would've noticed that her fucking bathing suit was completely off her tits.

Kirsten Drunkst on pot and drugs:

"I drink moderately. I've tried drugs. I do like weed. I have a different outlook on marijuana than America does. My best friend Sasha's dad was Carl Sagan, the astronomer. He was the biggest pot smoker in the world and he was a genius... I've never been a major smoker, but I think America's view on weed is ridiculous. I mean - are you kidding me? If everyone smoked weed, the world would be a better place... I'm not talking about being stoned all day, though. I think if it's not used properly, it can hamper your creativity and close you up inside."

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